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Conversion Utilities

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Conversion Utilities

Use this tool to convert Unicode Devanagari text into any KF Kiran fonts Please report any bugs directly to me at

User must use a machine that has at least KF-Kiran font installed

Warning: Use the utility at your own risk. kiranfont.com is not responsible for loss of any data or incorrect conversion. Do not input any senstive information. This is not a secure network connection.

Step1: Step2: Step3:
Enter Devanagari Unicode Text Here by copying from other application or typing here.

This box uses Google Marathi Transliteration
Press < Space > after each Word to get Unicode text.

If your computer is not properly setup you may see Boxes but the conversion will still take place.
Click this button to convert UNICODE into KF Family fonts Select the converted text in the Box below, copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) in application such as Microsoft word

Please answer 87 + 13 below

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